Working holiday tax returns

Have you returned to Ireland after living / working in Australian on a working holiday visa? If you have worked and paid tax in Australia during the year you are required to submit a tax return.

From 1 January 2017, working holiday makers are subject to a flat rate of tax, currently 15% on the first $37k earned and are exempt from paying the Medicare levy of 2%.

While the system is not as generous as it was in the past, refunds can still be due if you have work related expenses to claim, such as car expenses, tools & equipment used for work, tax agent fees, telephone & internet expenses. For example:

      Salary 37,000
      Work related expenses (5,000)
      Taxable income 32,000
      Tax due @ 15% 4,800
      Tax deducted by employer @ 15% 5,500
      Refund due 700

Tax returns can be lodged from overseas and refunds are generally paid into Australian bank accounts within 10 working days.

Our fee for preparing a working holiday maker tax return is €100